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Weather in Amorbach (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2108 Click here to vote for this order / 2185 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 16.05.2011
Order Remarks: Hallo Ihr beiden! Der große Tag rückt immer näher! Wir hoffen, unsere Wetterbestellung ist in Eurem Sinne... zu heiß muss es ja gar nicht werden! Freun uns schon! Liebe Grüße, Anke und Andreas

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Weather in Arnstadt (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1713 Click here to vote for this order / 2186 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 22.05.2011

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Weather in Berlin (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2240 Click here to vote for this order / 2336 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 24.05.2011

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Weather in Bonn (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2249 Click here to vote for this order / 2611 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 27.04.2011

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Weather in Bottrop (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1818 Click here to vote for this order / 2085 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 20
Order from: 18.05.2011
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir heiratenn..

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Weather in Braunschweig (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1971 Click here to vote for this order / 2537 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 17.05.2011

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Weather in Buschvitz (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2106 Click here to vote for this order / 2813 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 24
Order from: 27.05.2011

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Weather in Colditz (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2043 Click here to vote for this order / 2156 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 20
Order from: 08.03.2011
Order Remarks: für einen Ausritt ins Grüne nur das Beste Wetter.

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Weather in Dillenburg (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2236 Click here to vote for this order / 2288 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 03.05.2011

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Weather in Erlangen (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2253 Click here to vote for this order / 2238 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 20
Order from: 12.05.2011

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Weather in Frankfurt Und Durlach (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1909 Click here to vote for this order / 2535 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 25.05.2011
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Ich wünsche mir, als Trauzeugin a. D., für mein Lieblingsbrautpaar, die Semiks, für ihre Rückkehr aus dem Paradies mindestens genauso schönes Wetter, wie sie in den Flitterwochen gehabt haben. Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf Euch!

Comments for this order

Bestellung gilt ab dem 28.05. natrlich!!!! Insbesondere fr Dienstag, 31.05.2011!!!!

Written by Die doofe Trauzeugin, on 25.05.2011

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Weather in Freising (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2168 Click here to vote for this order / 2646 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 27.05.2011
Order Remarks: ... und für die kommende Woche ebenso, dann bekommt das Uferlos das Wetter, da es verdient.

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Weather in Goslar (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2249 Click here to vote for this order / 2193 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 24.05.2011
Order Remarks: Harley Forumstreffen Harz 2011

Comments for this order

In sterreich kanns Hunde und Katzen regnen, aber im Harz ist Kaiserwetter angesagt!

Written by Ratzz, on 24.05.2011

na also, geht doch!

Written by Vegas, on 24.05.2011

Hasse schn gemacht!

Written by Night Owl, on 24.05.2011

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Weather in Greifswald (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1777 Click here to vote for this order / 2316 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 26
Order from: 27.05.2011

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Weather in Hallerndorf (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1937 Click here to vote for this order / 2021 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Blazing sun
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 35
Order from: 17.05.2011
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Ich feiere meinen 30. Geburtstag. Ich habe alle meine Freunde eingeladen und hoffe auf das beste Wetter!

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Weather in Heidelberg (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1849 Click here to vote for this order / 2583 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 28
Order from: 27.04.2011

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Weather in Kamen (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1912 Click here to vote for this order / 1919 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 27
Order from: 16.05.2011
Order Remarks: Ich wünsch mir gutes wetter, weil ich am wochenende zur ,,KITE,, fahre xD

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Weather in Kamen Heeren (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1640 Click here to vote for this order / 2494 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 23.05.2011
Occasion for order: Concert
Order Remarks: An diesem Tag ist mein Sohn das erste Mal offiziel als Pfadfinder unterwegs auf der KITE in Kamen und leistet dort gute Dienste. Das braucht einfach trockenes etwas windiges Wetterdamit die Drachen auch steigen.

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Weather in Köln (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1609 Click here to vote for this order / 1892 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Blazing sun
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 16.05.2011
Order Remarks: Kurze Hose und T Shirt Wetter für eine schöne Open Air Party unter der prallen Sonne ist gewünscht.

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Weather in Mendig (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1911 Click here to vote for this order / 2162 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 23
Order from: 17.02.2011
Order Remarks: Alle kommen zum Grillen!

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Weather in Neunkirchen Saar (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 2036 Click here to vote for this order / 1748 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 24
Order from: 12.05.2011
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir heiraten! Und brauchen gaaanz dringend schönes Wetter!

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Weather in Oberursel (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1771 Click here to vote for this order / 2094 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 16.11.2010

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Weather in Offenbach Am Main (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1956 Click here to vote for this order / 1609 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 23
Order from: 17.05.2011

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Weather in Osnabrück (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1584 Click here to vote for this order / 1715 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 11.05.2011

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Weather in Radolfzell Am Bodensee (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1439 Click here to vote for this order / 1684 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 05.05.2011

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Weather in Regensburg (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1504 Click here to vote for this order / 1694 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 01.05.2011
Order Remarks: vor allem abends grillwetter

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Weather in Renningen Und Drum Herum (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1510 Click here to vote for this order / 2137 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 14.02.2011
Order Remarks: Optimales Radelwetter für die 3. Tour de Wutz !!!

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Weather in Rostock (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1496 Click here to vote for this order / 1676 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 27.05.2011

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Weather in Saarbrücken (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1272 Click here to vote for this order / 1843 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 26
Order from: 12.05.2011

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Weather in Schneeberg (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1719 Click here to vote for this order / 2098 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 29
Order from: 31.01.2011
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: gewünschtes Hochzeitswetter, dann kann nichts mehr schief gehn...!!!

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Weather in Schwerin (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1403 Click here to vote for this order / 1692 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 35
Order from: 24.05.2011

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Weather in Selbitz (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1765 Click here to vote for this order / 2063 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 29
Order from: 18.01.2011
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Man heiratet nur einmal!

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Weather in Velen (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1418 Click here to vote for this order / 1603 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Cloudy sky
Precipitation: Heavy shower
Wind: Heavy Wind
Temperature: 10
Order from: 27.05.2011
Order Remarks: ... einfach nur so, die die es treffen soll werden wissen warum!!!

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Weather in Waischenfeld (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1849 Click here to vote for this order / 1777 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 27
Order from: 26.03.2011
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Optimales Hochzeitswetter!!!

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Weather in Wandlitz (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1304 Click here to vote for this order / 1664 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 25.04.2011
Order Remarks: Wir wünschen allen Bikern,die an der 3. etwas anderen Ausfahrt teilnehmen, eine wunderschöne Fahrt und viel Spaß. Gabi,Ronny und Gernot

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Weather in Weil Am Rhein (Germany) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1529 Click here to vote for this order / 1605 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 19.05.2011

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Weather in Gmunden (Austria) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1560 Click here to vote for this order / 1576 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Blazing sun
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 29.04.2011
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Hochzeitstag

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Weather in Sankt Martin An Der Raab (Austria) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1377 Click here to vote for this order / 1528 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 23.05.2011

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Weather in Jona (Switzerland) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1708 Click here to vote for this order / 1745 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 17.08.2010

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Weather in Oberhofen Am Thunersee (Switzerland) at Sat, 28.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1826 Click here to vote for this order / 1825 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 22.05.2011
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir heiraten am 28.05.2011 in der Schweiz am Thunersee und es MUSS einfach schönes Wetter sein. Bitte, bitte, bitte

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