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Weather in Aachen (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 2190 Click here to vote for this order / 2236 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 26.04.2010
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Vorraussichtlich letzte Drachenwiese und Mehrfachgeburtstagsparty! Wenn das kein Grund zum feiern ist...Reißt die Wiese ab bevor die Bagger kommen!

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Weather in Berlin (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1855 Click here to vote for this order / 2111 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 28.04.2010
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Ich feiere meinen 40. Geburtstag und wünsche mir Vogelgezwitscher, warmen Sonnenschein und ideales Grillwetter zum Verbleiben im Garten

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Weather in Birten (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 2037 Click here to vote for this order / 2317 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 15.02.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Da wir an dem Tag heiraten und feiern, hoffe ich auf sehr schönes Wetter

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Weather in Bochum (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1955 Click here to vote for this order / 2542 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 29.04.2010
Order Remarks: Hallo Manuela, nur für Dich...und den Volker! Gruß lo

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Weather in Bodenheim (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 2065 Click here to vote for this order / 2227 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 28
Order from: 08.04.2010
Order Remarks: Wir bestellen Sonne und 28 Grad für unsere lieben Freunde Holle und Jeannine, die sich am 01.05.2010 das JA Wort geben. Sie sollen einen schönen sonnigen Tag haben ohne Regen und strahlendem mit Sonnenschein. Nicole u. Micha

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Ja das ist ja prima! Wir untersttzen natrlich diese Bestellung des wunderschnen Wetters fr unsere Hochzeit!!! Vielen lieben Dank

Written by Jeannine, on 08.04.2010

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Weather in Dortmund (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 2010 Click here to vote for this order / 2276 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 24
Order from: 25.04.2010

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Weather in Edenkoben (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1936 Click here to vote for this order / 2265 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 28.04.2010

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Weather in Ernsbach (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1901 Click here to vote for this order / 2575 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 29.04.2010
Order Remarks: Grillwetter für den GSV Ernsbach!

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Weather in Franken (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 2319 Click here to vote for this order / 2289 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 23
Order from: 24.04.2010
Order Remarks: Motorradausfahrt Saisoneröffnungs Tour

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Weather in Freising (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1920 Click here to vote for this order / 2209 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 22
Order from: 07.01.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Das ist für unsere Hochzeit. Ich vertraue auf Euch! Vielen Dank

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Weather in Haste (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1885 Click here to vote for this order / 2178 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 22
Order from: 22.04.2010
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: haw und püppi feiern draussen ihre geburtstage.

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Weather in Karlsruhe (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1862 Click here to vote for this order / 2338 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 28.04.2010
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Brauche unbedingt schönes Wetter für meine Geburtstagsparty, da ich im Garten feiern möchte!!

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Weather in Linkenheim (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 2103 Click here to vote for this order / 2483 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 13.04.2010

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Weather in Meiningen (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 2008 Click here to vote for this order / 2275 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 24
Order from: 29.04.2010
Order Remarks: Burgenaktivität des DARC Distrikt X

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besser wr das...

Written by dgnullosk, on 29.04.2010

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Weather in Rheinbrohl (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1806 Click here to vote for this order / 2269 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 28.04.2010
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Geburtstag

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Weather in SB (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1806 Click here to vote for this order / 2134 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 26.04.2010

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Weather in Schwarzenbach Bei Pressath (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1727 Click here to vote for this order / 1895 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 29.04.2010
Order Remarks: GANZ, GANZ wichtig!

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Weather in Twistesee Und Volkmarsen (Germany) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1850 Click here to vote for this order / 2156 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 24
Order from: 29.04.2010
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Saskias ErsterMaiGeburtstagsWetter!!!

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Written by Saskia, on 29.04.2010

Aufjedsten Sonne fr Sie, was anderes wre inakzeptabel. Na Logen nur das beste fr sie.

Written by Phil, on 29.04.2010

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Weather in Peterborough (United Kingdom) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1918 Click here to vote for this order / 2338 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 13.04.2010
Order Remarks: Besuch bei Freunden, also ganz ganz wichtig

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Weather in Grein (Austria) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1956 Click here to vote for this order / 2150 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 19.02.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir heiraten an diesem Tag, und wünschen uns dazu ein Traumwetter!!

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Weather in Luzern (Switzerland) at Sat, 01.05.2010

Ratings for this order: 1758 Click here to vote for this order / 2199 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 21
Order from: 04.04.2010
Order Remarks: herrliches Frühlingswetter

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leider hats geregnet und war sau kalt...

Written by bruderfire, on 08.05.2010

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