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Weather in Braunfels (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1464 Click here to vote for this order / 2001 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Autumnal sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 22
Order from: 11.05.2011
Order Remarks: Willkommen zum Braunfelser Kräutermarkt!

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Weather in Coesfeld (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1408 Click here to vote for this order / 1800 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 30
Order from: 13.05.2011

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Weather in Dresden (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1739 Click here to vote for this order / 2100 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 11.04.2011

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Weather in Hilchenbach (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1380 Click here to vote for this order / 1969 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 12.05.2011

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Weather in Karlsruhe (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1493 Click here to vote for this order / 1729 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 27
Order from: 12.05.2011
Order Remarks: Weil wir am diesem tag ins Schwimmbad gehen deswegen brauchen wir schönes ,warmes und Windstilles Wetter.

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Weather in Rüdesheim Am Rhein (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1661 Click here to vote for this order / 1818 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 27
Order from: 11.05.2011
Order Remarks: Für eine Konfirmation wünschen wir uns gutes Wetter!

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Weather in Schwarzenberg (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1526 Click here to vote for this order / 1818 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 15.04.2011
Order Remarks: Es ist Konfirmation

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Weather in Tegernsee (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1595 Click here to vote for this order / 1833 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Cloudy sky
Precipitation: Heavy shower
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 20
Order from: 14.05.2011

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Weather in Unterhaching (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1461 Click here to vote for this order / 1810 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 14.05.2011
Order Remarks: Zum Mopet fahrn

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Weather in Warendorf (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1455 Click here to vote for this order / 1838 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 20
Order from: 26.04.2011

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Weather in Wietze (Germany) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1455 Click here to vote for this order / 1797 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 27
Order from: 14.05.2011

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Weather in Deutsch Wagram (Austria) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1536 Click here to vote for this order / 1895 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 18
Order from: 13.05.2011
Order Remarks: Bikeausfahrt

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Weather in Luzern (Switzerland) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1812 Click here to vote for this order / 1884 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Blazing sun
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 31
Order from: 08.03.2011

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Weather in Rothenburg (Switzerland) at Sun, 15.05.2011

Ratings for this order: 1329 Click here to vote for this order / 2026 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 06.05.2011

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